With the tag line of “Children’s Books that Change the World”, Heifer International went all out this past weekend at the LA Times Festival of Books. Beatrice’s Goat author Page McBrier was in attendance on April 25th and 26th, signing all her new books for adoring fans and tiny tots all weekend long. Jen Girten, Catherine Scott, and a team of fabulous LA and Orange County based volunteers staffed our highly successful booth throughout the weekend. We handed out hundreds of bookmarks, thousands of buttons, signed up many new teachers for our resource kits, and sold thousands of dollars worth of our children’s books! Over 100,000 people attended this year’s festival and our booth was located just across from the Target Children’s Stage, giving us great visibility. When we weren’t busy being serenaded by Yo Gabba Gabba! or the Baby Banana lady, we were dancing around in our respective cow suit and chicken hat! All in all, it was a fantastic weekend and we hope to be back bigger and better next year.