Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pasadena's AVC: Frances Hale

We are delighted to introduce Frances Hale, our new Pasadena Area Volunteer Coordinator. You can contact Frances at - she'd love to include you in Pasadena area volunteer events!

Frances has shared her story of how she got involved with Heifer:

“I first heard about Heifer International when Susan Sarandon spoke about it on The Oprah Winfrey show a few years ago. I was fascinated by the potential effect one small donation of as little as $20 could have on a community. As an actress I spend a lot of time focusing on myself, taking acting & makeup classes, staying in shape, networking, and keeping up with fashion trends. Under this self-directed microscope I realized I wasn't happy with what I saw, and at the end of the day felt unfulfilled.

This confused me, so I spoke to friends, read books and queried my father and other wise people in my life. I came to the following conclusion; life isn't about getting for yourself, it is about giving of yourself. That is what leads to fulfillment for me and that's why I made the call and signed up to give of myself through Heifer.” - Frances.