Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heifer-filled Holidays!

The Holidays are here, filled with many events, and demands on our time. It can be a hectic and frantic time of the year. It can also be a lonely and fearful time of the year for those who do not have enough. This year, more than ever, we are called on to help one another and to lend a hand to those in need. You have the power to help your neighbor, whether he be next door to you in your own community, or a world away in a remote village. This holiday season, why not light the way for someone in need? Ask your elderly neighbour over for a cup of eggnog. Connect with your local foodbank or homeless shelter. Give the gift of a flock of chicks instead of one more toy to a child in your life. Each bit of good we send out into the world, returns to us tenfold. Let's work together to make the world a brighter and more peaceful place. Thank-you for your support! May you and yours have a blessed holiday season.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't miss "The Oprah Winfrey Show" this Thursday, October 1, as Oprah delivers a call to action for all women. Inspired by the New York Times best-selling book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas Kristof and his wife, Sheryl Wudunn, this eye-opening hour reveals powerful stories of women overcoming adversity to realize a better life for themselves. Oprah herself calls one of the stories – about Heifer International’s Tererai Trent - "the most incredible story of manifesting a dream I have ever heard."

Orange County Fair - 2009!

This year saw a redesign of Heifer's Beyond Our Borders exhibit at the Orange County Fair. We continue to be kindly hosted by Centennial Farm, and our efforts to educate thousands of people during the fair couldn't be done without the farm's assistance. Thanks to the 220+ volunteers who inspired, informed and educated the fair's visitors about our work to end hunger and poverty. While Oreo the goat was definitely the star, we also introduced new children's games into the mix. Each year, we will strive to improve our exhibit and the impact we make on fair visitors.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heifer Honduras Study Tour

From May 11-18, I was lucky enough to be able to travel to Honduras as part of a Heifer Study Tour. If you ever have the opportunity to travel with Heifer, I highly recommend it. It is a life-changing experience. I was able to witness the power of our work in the field. Pictured here is young Ingrid whose family received a cow from Heifer and this gift has helped the family tremendously. Here, she's feeding the lucky cow some slices of mango! Amongst other projects, we were able to visit with a women's group that has undertaken a vegetable canning project to sell pickled vegetables in the local market. These women were incredible, and we hope that their dream of a stainless steel kitchen comes true for them very soon. We met so many hard-working people who just needed a little help from Heifer International to make a world of difference in their lives. I feel profoundly lucky to have had this experience and to be able to share it with donors and volunteers in the SW region.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Page McBrier at LA Times Festival of Books

With the tag line of “Children’s Books that Change the World”, Heifer International went all out this past weekend at the LA Times Festival of Books. Beatrice’s Goat author Page McBrier was in attendance on April 25th and 26th, signing all her new books for adoring fans and tiny tots all weekend long. Jen Girten, Catherine Scott, and a team of fabulous LA and Orange County based volunteers staffed our highly successful booth throughout the weekend. We handed out hundreds of bookmarks, thousands of buttons, signed up many new teachers for our resource kits, and sold thousands of dollars worth of our children’s books! Over 100,000 people attended this year’s festival and our booth was located just across from the Target Children’s Stage, giving us great visibility. When we weren’t busy being serenaded by Yo Gabba Gabba! or the Baby Banana lady, we were dancing around in our respective cow suit and chicken hat! All in all, it was a fantastic weekend and we hope to be back bigger and better next year.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LA Times Festival of Books

Join us for a weekend of celebration with Beatrice's Goat author Page McBrier at the LA Times Festival of Books (April 25-26)! We will be showcasing 3 new books written by Ms. McBrier, as well as other Heifer books. This is your chance to get an autographed copy of your favorite Heifer children's book. We'll be near the Target children's stage in Zone H. See you there!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Heifer Podcast!

Check out the first episode of a Heifer International podcast. Heifer volunteers Jesse Stern and Jeane July Stern have created this wonderful new educational resource. The first episode was recorded at the annual meeting of the SW region on Feb.28th, 2009 and features Jan West Schrock, daughter of Heifer founder Dan West, speaking about her father, and his commitment to peace and justice. Download and listen today!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sun + Fun Pre-K Has Heifer Day!

A local Seal Beach co-op creative play group, Sun + Fun, had Heifer representative Catherine Scott come out to speak to the 3-5 year olds on Friday, March. 13th. The children had been really well-prepared by their teacher Ms. Browner who had served the children cow milk, goat milk and hard-boiled eggs for their snack period. As a result, the children were ready and willing to answer questions about how farm animals can help people and the earth! We watched "A Trip to the U.S.A" from our new Global Education Resource Kits for Pre-K to K children, and read the new Chicken and the Worm book (which they loved!). This was a wonderful opportunity to teach young children about farm animals, gardens, and to let their parents know about Heifer's work. Thanks to Carolyn Davidson for organizing this event!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heifer High Tea - A Celebration of Congregations

On Saturday, Feb.28th, Heifer International will be hosting a Heifer High Tea, a Celebration of Congregations at the La Verne Church of the Brethren in La Verne, CA at 3 pm. Jan West Schrock, daughter of Heifer founder Dan West, will speak about her father's commitment to peace and justice. Renowned vocalist Kate Schrock, Jan's daughter, will also perform songs inspired from her journeys around the world. This will be a wonderful family event where we celebrate and honor our amazing congregational supporters. See you there!

Critic's Choice Awards

Heifer International was honored to be selected as the Critic's Choice Awards Show Cause Partner for 2009. One of our biggest supporters, Diane Lane, hosted a wonderful after-party with Heifer International. At our party, we were able to introduce Heifer International to many celebrities and influential people in the entertainment industry. Richard Gere, another Heifer supporter, was gracious enough to spend a long time in the Heifer room, talking to various people about his commitment to humanitarian work. It was a fun, fast-paced event and we hope to be back next year! Thanks to everyone who helped make this event such a success.