From May 11-18, I was lucky enough to be able to travel to Honduras as part of a Heifer Study Tour. If you ever have the opportunity to travel with Heifer, I highly recommend it. It is a life-changing experience. I was able to witness the power of our work in the field. Pictured here is young Ingrid whose family received a cow from Heifer and this gift has helped the family tremendously. Here, she's feeding the lucky cow some slices of mango! Amongst other projects, we were able to visit with a women's group that has undertaken a vegetable canning project to sell pickled vegetables in the local market. These women were incredible, and we hope that their dream of a stainless steel kitchen comes true for them very soon. We met so many hard-working people who just needed a little help from Heifer International to make a world of difference in their lives. I feel profoundly lucky to have had this experience and to be able to share it with donors and volunteers in the SW region.